
Kamis, 27 September 2007

inexpensiveLexmark Optra E312 10PPM 600X600DPI 4MB Par USB PSl2 PCl6

Lexmark Optra E312 10PPM 600X600DPI 4MB Par USB PSl2 PCl6is known as a manufactured goods is extremely sought after currently, Would you like the information needed for Lexmark Optra E312 10PPM 600X600DPI 4MB Par USB PSl2 PCl6? On this page you may get 2dc the specifics of Lexmark Optra E312 10PPM 600X600DPI 4MB Par USB PSl2 PCl6

in these days. If you're on the search for recognizedLexmark Optra E312 10PPM 600X600DPI 4MB Par USB PSl2 PCl6, we advise this item will likely be the solution.If you want to prepared to spend more cash for the Lexmark Optra E312 10PPM 600X600DPI 4MB Par USB PSl2 PCl6,you'll want to do a bit of investigate to ensure you spend the the funds carefully. This I will provide you a tiny little tips and tricks about the Lexmark Optra E312 10PPM 600X600DPI 4MB Par USB PSl2 PCl6, so you have just a few to positively consider before buying this Lexmark Optra E312 10PPM 600X600DPI 4MB Par USB PSl2 PCl6
The Detailed Description of Lexmark Optra E312 10PPM 600X600DPI 4MB Par USB PSl2 PCl6Features
  • Robust duty cycle
  • Sturdy, compact, performs reliably in any environment
  • 67 MHz processor and expandable memory
  • Speedy, 10-ppm printing and 15 seconds to first print
  • Quality, 1,200-dpi resolution

List Price?: $499.00

Product DescriptionTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews Product Description
An affordable, high-performance monochrome laser printer, the Lexmark Optra E312 can handle card stock, transparencies, labels, envelopes, legal-size paper, and more, and it prints up to 10 ppm. This Energy Star-compliant printer has a 150-page input tray as well as a 100-page output tray. A maximum resolution of 600 x 600 dpi ensures quality images. The print cartridge has a capacity of 6,000 pages. Compliant with Macs and PCs, the E312 can be connected using its bidirectional parallel port or a handy USB port that allows easy interfacing with other USB peripherals. The E312 can handle up to 10,000 pages per month and comes with a one-year limited warranty.

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