
Rabu, 17 Oktober 2007

low budgetGBC 4090022 - CombBind Standard Spines, 3/8 Diameter, 55 Sheet Capacity, Black, 25/Box-GBC4090022

GBC 4090022 - CombBind Standard Spines, 3/8 Diameter, 55 Sheet Capacity, Black, 25/Box-GBC4090022is really item that is very much well-known in the present day, Are you searching for knowledge about GBC 4090022 - CombBind Standard Spines, 3/8 Diameter, 55 Sheet Capacity, Black, 25/Box-GBC4090022? At this site you will definately get 2dc details about GBC 4090022 - CombBind Standard Spines, 3/8 Diameter, 55 Sheet Capacity, Black, 25/Box-GBC4090022

nowadays. When you're trying to find highly ratedGBC 4090022 - CombBind Standard Spines, 3/8 Diameter, 55 Sheet Capacity, Black, 25/Box-GBC4090022, we propose this is are going to be the solution.In case you're prepared to pay more money for the GBC 4090022 - CombBind Standard Spines, 3/8 Diameter, 55 Sheet Capacity, Black, 25/Box-GBC4090022,you'll want to execute a small amount of investigation to ensure that you invest in money effectively. Here I will give you a little bit tips and hints about the GBC 4090022 - CombBind Standard Spines, 3/8 Diameter, 55 Sheet Capacity, Black, 25/Box-GBC4090022, so you've few considerations prior to you buying this GBC 4090022 - CombBind Standard Spines, 3/8 Diameter, 55 Sheet Capacity, Black, 25/Box-GBC4090022
The Detailed Description of GBC 4090022 - CombBind Standard Spines, 3/8 Diameter, 55 Sheet Capacity, Black, 25/Box-GBC4090022
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Product Description
Communicate your ideas with professional polish. 19-ring plastic spines won't scratch, chip, peel or discolor. Bind 11 x 8 1/2 documents. Editing capability with a machine. Compatible with GBC and other plastic comb binding machines. To select correct diameter, measure thickness of material (including covers) and add 1/8. Sheet Capacity: 55; Spine Diameter: 3/8 in; Number of Rings: 19; Number of Pins: N/A.

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