
Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008

affordableUniversal 35264 - Kraft Clasp Envelope, Side Seam, 28lb, 9 x 12, Light Brown, 100/Box-UNV35264

Universal 35264 - Kraft Clasp Envelope, Side Seam, 28lb, 9 x 12, Light Brown, 100/Box-UNV35264is known as a item that is truly recognized in these days, Looking for information Universal 35264 - Kraft Clasp Envelope, Side Seam, 28lb, 9 x 12, Light Brown, 100/Box-UNV35264? To this article you'll be able to 2dc the specifics of Universal 35264 - Kraft Clasp Envelope, Side Seam, 28lb, 9 x 12, Light Brown, 100/Box-UNV35264

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The Detailed Description of Universal 35264 - Kraft Clasp Envelope, Side Seam, 28lb, 9 x 12, Light Brown, 100/Box-UNV35264
List Price?: $18.99

Product DescriptionTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description
Durable heavyweight Kraft stock resists rips and tears. Reinforced eyelet and two prong clasp stands up to regular use. Gummed flap delivers a secure seal. Envelope Size: 9 x 12; Envelope/Mailer Type: Catalog/Clasp; Closure: Clasp/Gummed Flap; Trade Size: #90.

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