
Kamis, 21 Mei 2009


RUDDER REFFERENCE GENERIC-TELAR4502has been a item that is extremely looked for today, Would you like to more knowledge about RUDDER REFFERENCE GENERIC-TELAR4502? On this website you will 2dc a description of RUDDER REFFERENCE GENERIC-TELAR4502

presently. In case you're hunting for very bestRUDDER REFFERENCE GENERIC-TELAR4502, we propose this item are going to be the optimum solution.In case you're on purpose to invest money for the RUDDER REFFERENCE GENERIC-TELAR4502,you will to do a minor investigation to be certain you pay off the income effectively. This I provides you with a bit more instruction about the RUDDER REFFERENCE GENERIC-TELAR4502, so you have some points to consider before you buy it this RUDDER REFFERENCE GENERIC-TELAR4502
The Detailed Description of RUDDER REFFERENCE GENERIC-TELAR4502
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Product Description
SmartStick is a non-contact autopilot position sensor that mounts to Teleflex outboard front mount
cylinders (HC5345, HC5358*). The new SmartStick models replace the previous generation AR4102
and AR4202 models. There are three new SmartStick models available. No external black box electronics integrated into sensor body, making cable easy to route through Rigging with no splicing 35? of cable can be trimmed to any length and jacket is labelled Digital Electronics are more immune to electromagnetic interference (EMI) ? cleaner signal allows autopilot to perform better Installation of sensor is more convenient and faster Part Numbers are autopilot specific, no jumpers to cut Lower cost

*HC5358 must be installed on Yamaha and Evinrude engines with AR4502 series SmartSticks to ensure adequate clearance. Installing AR4502 series with HC5345 on Yamaha and Evinrude outboards may result in interference between the sensor and the cylinder.

AR4502 Series Specifications Range 8.0" Resolution 0.012" Linearity 0.048" Repeatability 0.024" Environmental

Resitstance Salt Spray 1000 hours

IEC IP67 (Submersible to 1m)

Immune to dirt, oil, SAE Fluids

Thermal Shockand Vibration

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