
Rabu, 16 September 2009

low budget3.5" 200-Watt Weatherproof Speaker-T51504

3.5" 200-Watt Weatherproof Speaker-T51504is really manufactured goods is truly wanted in the present day, Trying to find info on 3.5" 200-Watt Weatherproof Speaker-T51504? Here you will definately get 2dc knowledge about 3.5" 200-Watt Weatherproof Speaker-T51504

in these days. For persons who are looking to buy top rated3.5" 200-Watt Weatherproof Speaker-T51504, we propose the product will probably be the most practical answer.For anybody deliberate spending additional money for the 3.5" 200-Watt Weatherproof Speaker-T51504,you will want to execute a tiny amount of analysis to make sure you pay for that amount of money purposefully. This I will provide a little instruction about the 3.5" 200-Watt Weatherproof Speaker-T51504, so you have got a few things to consider prior to you buying this 3.5" 200-Watt Weatherproof Speaker-T51504
The Detailed Description of 3.5" 200-Watt Weatherproof Speaker-T51504
List Price?: $81.99

Product DescriptionTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description

Power handling: 100 watts RMS, 200 watts peakLong throw woofer1/2" polyamide dome tweeterFrequency response: 100Hz-20kHz5 5/8" W x 8" H x 4 7/8" DIncludes spring-loaded mounting brackets

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