nowadays. When you are in search of rankedBlack Multi-3 DVD Case-681839, we recommend the product will likely be the best solution.If you are prepared to make an investment additional money for the Black Multi-3 DVD Case-681839,you will want to execute a little examine in order to spend the that amount of money carefully. This I will provide you with a little bit instructions about the Black Multi-3 DVD Case-681839, so you have got few think about before buying this Black Multi-3 DVD Case-681839
The Detailed Description of Black Multi-3 DVD Case-681839
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Product Description
"Black plastic DVD cases designed to hold up to 3 DVD's. This case has a removable swing tray. Case measures 5.25"" x 7.5"" x .50"". It has a clear vinyl cover sleeve to insert title page. DVD's not included." Case Pack 100
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